
Organic Groundwork

“Add a little Bio to your program”

(302) 448-5335

Organic Groundwork, Inc. Copyright© 2021

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Dear Eddie,

I am a happy user of your products: BioBalace, BioMax, Compost Tea RTU and Influence. We have integrated them seamlessly into our organic Plant Health Care Program for trees, shrubs and perennials on Long Island. They enabled sustained vigorous growth throughout several trying seasons, sometimes being excessively wet and sometimes overly dry. These are quality products, professionally delivered and well worth the investment. Thanks for introducing me to them.

Eran “Ron” Strauss, Board Certified Master Arborist
Tree Believers, Inc.
PO Box 792
Commack NY 11725 (return to Testimonials)


Fellow Superintendents:

I am a forty year Class AA GCCS (retired), now teaching Golf Turf Mgt in Pinehurst, NC.

I am an N, P and K plus Iron guy but I am finding value in some of the Biostimulants such as Kelp and Seaweed.

Ed represents several companies that specialize in organics. One such company is Organic Approach. You will not see it advertised in our trade magazines but their products are passed on by word of mouth and one can read about them in various forums specifically TurfNet. One very good one on Kelp and Seaweed beneficial results verses cost.
I’ve had good success with several of Ed Fufaro’s products; specifically Influence for a bent grow in and Gypsum / Humate for Ca and S deficiencies and tying up any soluble salts. It works well after aerification at five pounds / m. This is a very clean prilled product that dissipates quickly once it’s watered in.

I have been consulting for a sod grower for many years. They hired me when they decided to grow bent for putting greens on native Pinehurst sands. They had a contract for three acres of A-1 / A-4 to be seeded in mid-August and harvested and installed with big rolls in December. We knew we needed good fortune to pull this one off, no washouts, mild fall weather, maximum fertility, plenty of sand topdressing, tissue testing for micros, PGR’S and biostimulants. We applied Ed’s Inflluence every three weeks at 4 oz / m. There was one two-week period in early October when roots grew over four inches deeper. We had check plots and the treated sections always produced deeper and more extensive white healthy roots. They were able to lift and install the three acres in late December and reopen on schedule.

Ed is all about earth friendly greenskeeping and ecologically friendly methods of maintaining our courses. You will benefit by using his products and the end result will be cost savings on water and fertilizer.

George B Thompson, CGCS, (Retired)
140 Foxfire Pl
Southern Pines, NC 28387 (return to Testimonials)


I met Eddie Fufaro over 7 years ago just as I completed the grow in of our new golf course. Eddie and Organic Groundwork supplied me with the tools I needed to manage the low carbon and low fertility in the virgin soil and deal with the high bi-carbonate in our irrigation water. Organic Groundwork is my supplier for great humate products from Organic Approach that sell to me at wholesale prices, shipped to my course by pallet. I am very happy with the services I get from Organic Groundwork. My favorite products are the I.P.S. and Calc Sulph.

Vince DiStefano, Jr., GCS
201 Hospitality Drive
Font Royal, VA 22630 (return to Testimonials)


I have known Eddie Fufaro for over 25 years. We were actually the golf course superintendent at the same course, Middle Bay CC in Oceanside NY, at different times. Since leaving the golf course superintendent ranks and starting his own company, Eddie is a believer in "feeding the soil". His philosophy has always been "feed the soil and the soil will feed the plants". His ultimate goal through this philosophy has been to reduce expensive pesticide use. I think any golf course superintendent would tell you, and I think Eddie would agree, that a 100% organic program will not provide the conditions that members at private country clubs demand. However, Eddie has products that may help a superintendent extend intervals between pesticide sprays, or perhaps even eliminate one or two sprays per year. It just makes sense that if the soil is healthier, the plant is healthier and can better withstand pest invasions. I would be happy to discuss the particular products I have used from Eddie's repertoire with any superintendent that would like to call me.

John D. Carlone, CGCS
Meadow Brook Club
Jericho, Long Island, NY
(516) 935-6505 (return to Testimonials)


My name is Fran Owsik, I am a 35 year Golf Course Superintendent at the Lakewood Country Club in Lakewood, NJ. I have used Organic Groundwork's organic products for several years. Influence the seaweed/kelp product is one of my favorites. It is clean and easy to use and incorporates into your organic program. It will increase your root system. The Gypsum and Humate product is a wonder drug to your soil profile. 5 Lbs/mft once a month thru the season will do great things for you. I couldn't live with out it! In conjunction with a Planet- Air venting machine, if you use Influence you will increase your root system by 3-4”. I start in April with this combination and it's helped me get through the toughest seasons every year for the last several years. I highly recommend Organic Groundwork for all your organic needs. If you're into Organic's, like I am, get to know Ed Fufaro and Organic Groundwork. No one is more knowledgeable than he is in this business. You won't be disappointed.

Fran Owsik, CGCS
Lakewood Country Club
Lakewood, NJ (return to Testimonials)


I can’t believe nearly 40 years have passed. I remember when our girls played soccer on Long Island. They’re all married and have children of their own now. Eddie as I wind down my career of more than 40 years I want to thank you for your friendship as well as providing me with some really good products. As you know, I have used your gypsum/humate on all of my 50 greens for years. Twice a year right after aeration. I have also used your green sand at aeration and I believe both products have worked out very well. I will pass on your products to my successor and hopefully he will continue using these products and more. Environmentalists do not speak highly of golf courses regardless of how careful and diligent we are about our programs. Your “Organic Approach” not only works, it even sounds good.

Joseph Alonzi, CGCS, Retired
Westchester Country Club
Rye, NY (return to Testimonials)